
How to get a better tv deal in extreme warfare revenge
How to get a better tv deal in extreme warfare revenge

Also, with revenge, it can lead to a cycle of violence - which the only ends when someone is prepared to turn the other cheek. Some issues may evade the long arm of the law, then you may consider revenge. Arguably, for most of the time and most cases, they are very effective. I should have also added - societies elected "defense" against evil is the law, police, prison. Thanks for your additional and valuable comments Paul. Whether or not the person "grassed up" was guilty, or deserved to be imprisoned, this is still often followed by acts of severe revenge on the "grass" themselves, hence such long term solutions as the "Witness Protection Programme".Ĭindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on June 14, 2012: Of course we also have the cases of those who "grass up" or "give evidence against", another person to the Police. These retaliations are often the most vicious, and are designed to be a warning to other gangs that this gang is "not to be messed with". There are the gangland type revenge cases, where a member of the gang has been killed by a rival gang. Then of course there are the occasions the innocent member of the partnership or marriage is murdered by the jealous lover who wants the affair to become a more "permanent" arrangement. The sense of betrayal and hurt are often too much for many to bear, and plenty of murders have been committed on this basis, be it of the spouse, or the person they were having an affair with. Infidelity can provoke the worst cases of revenge. reporting them to the authorities for benefit fraud, anonymously notifying their employer as to the kind of employee they have working for them or maybe even paying someone a few quid to have a "quiet word with them down a dark alley". I know in these instances revenge can end up being a spiral that escalates out of control as each neighbour tries to get their own back for the previous attack, but there have to other more subtle ways of ensuring they get their comeuppance, e.g. Often it takes years to get any kind of solution to these kinds of problems, and the more complaints you make to the authorities, the more the neighbours make your life a misery, whilst nothing seems to be done by the very people who are meant to prevent this kind of behaviour. Then we have those awful neighbours who can make your life a living hell, with loud music, unruly kids, vermin infested homes, racist abuse, vandalism of your property etc. If it were down to me the best form of justice (or revenge) would be for the same torture to be inflicted on the human that did this to the animal. What about our pets! If you knew a person had deliberately inflicted torture on your pet would you be happy to see that person taken to court, fined a couple of hundred pounds or dollars, and then walk free, when you know that had they done the same to a child they would have been locked up for it? This would never be enough for me, and I still get extremely angry at the fact the sentences for animal cruelty are so light they are hardly any deterrent at all.

How to get a better tv deal in extreme warfare revenge